All rights to the photo go to Disclaimer: This is in no way an exhaustive list of the things I've learned as a counselor at Grace Adventures ; it's just the first twelve things that came to mind. 1. You can always choose to have a good day or a bad day. It's completely up to you, and you can't let others' pessimism get you down; in fact, part of choosing a good day for yourself is creating an environment of positivity to help your team make the same choice. 2. You can't, however, choose anybody's attitude but your own. This was a difficult truth for me to learn, but an oh-so-very necessary one. 3. Rainy days can be great. Of course, this is an attitude to be chosen as well, but some of my best memories of camp are the dance parties and crazy skits that happen when we can't be anywhere but inside. Also, when it's a super hot summer and you live in a dust bowl, standing out in the middle of a thunderstorm is a wonde...
Be obscure clearly! -E.B White