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Showing posts from April, 2020

it's complicated.

One bad part of being an adult is that no one asks you if you can run faster in your new shoes. Well, in case you're wondering, I'm pretty sure I can. Thanks for [not] asking.  
 A couple of weeks ago I was having a very restless kind of day, so I ran for quite a while. And as I ran, I found myself waving and yelling “hello!” to every single person walking, sitting on their porch, or driving with their windows open. If you know me at all, you can probably guess that this is  not normal for me.  If you've ever walked or hiked with me, I can guarantee  you're  the person saying hello to the passersby, not me.  This Stay Home, Stay Safe thing is doing weird stuff. 
 43 is the number of miles I've run since mid-March when the [Michigan] world started to shut down- I’ve had a lot of restless days.  I'm not telling you about my mileage to brag. In fact, w hen my  running tracker was like, "Wow! You've run this many miles!", for...

we were supposed to have more time.

To my school kids: We were supposed to have more time. We didn’t know we’d be saying goodbye for good on that Friday when our world shut down. And unfortunately, I’m not naïve enough to believe that I will see every one of you again. Some of you will move away due to your parents needing to start new jobs, the financial hardships that come with this weird economy, or the normal ebb and flow of agricultural work to which our community is so accustomed. To my fourth graders moving to a different building next year, I hope you know how much I loved working with you. To the students I work with most often in our resource rooms or as a friend in your classroom, I know you may not understand why you can’t be at school. Why did school stop? Why don’t I see my teachers and my friends anymore? Someday, you might come to realize why this happened, but for now, I’m sorry that you are sad and confused. I promise we didn’t want to leave you like this. I was supposed to have 55...